Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Screencast Reflection

I felt that the screencast was a good project to begin with. It provided an opportunity to work together as a group and for me, eased the anxiety of navigating through unfamiliar waters. I also liked that we had to come to a consensus quickly and determine the content for the screencast. It was a good exercise in looking at large body of information and targeting what worked for this project. It was a good way to practice collaboration and efficiency.

The feedback to our screencast was generally positive. It was helpful because it confirmed that we did, in fact, accomplish our goal of conveying some basic features of Powerpoint. The comment that we could have added some graphic tools was also valid because thinking back over the project, Powerpoint is a presentation tool so our tutorial probably should have included more visual aspects. We need to always keep the purpose and audience in mind. Looking at the other screencasts was very informative. It was interesting to see what angle the other groups came from, how they scripted their casts and what they felt was important to include. Watching the other casts definitely gave me some helpful hints for any future projects.

Students can benefit from these screencasts because any tutorial lets learners go at their own pace. Especially when unfamiliar technology is involved, it lessens stress to be able to digest information slowly. Also, screencasts produced by students for students tend to be from the same perspective. I would definitely think of using screencasts in my classroom as a great tool not only to motivate and engage students, but to strengthen students' competency by encouraging them to teach each other.

1 comment:

  1. While the relationship of stocks to the dollar has not always been ""down dollar = up stocks"" it has been this year. And in this market, that

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